Daimler Group’s car-sharing program kicks off
Commercial Vehicles

Daimler Group’s car-sharing program kicks off


car2go, the car-sharing provider which is part of the Daimler Group, will be opening its 31st international location in Brussels in October 2016. The world’s largest free-floating car-sharer starts up business with 300 vehicles in an area covering around 50 km² in the city of Brussels. As usual, car2go will be using almost exclusively smart fortwo vehicles, which are particularly suitable for use in cities, in the Belgian metropolis. The 250 smart fortwo vehicles will be supplemented in Brussels with a further 50 Mercedes-Benz A Class vehicles.

After Madrid (November 2015) and Chongqing/China (April 2016), Brussels will, in October, be the third international location opened by car2go within less than a year. “We are consequently implementing the car2go growth strategy and underlining our world-wide market leadership in free-floating car-sharing”, says Roland Keppler, CEO of car2go. “The increasing usage of car2go clearly shows a growing demand for spontaneous mobility around the globe.” Currently, around 1.9 million customers are registered with car2go making use every 1.5 seconds of one of the 14,000 car2go vehicles in the global fleet.

The car2go mobility experts anticipate that the car2go service in Brussels will lead to a medium-term improvement to the strained inner city traffic situation. After all, the free-floating car-sharing concept from car2go has proven over the last few years to be a real alternative to owning a vehicle and a valuable complement to local public transport in 15 other European metropolises.

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