Daimler Trucks is launching a new era of truck production in Brazil, involving systematic implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts.
A completely new type of truck assembly line has now commenced operation at the Brazilian Sao Bernardo do Campo plant of Daimler subsidiary Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
The application of hyperconnectivity (real-time networking of individuals, things, devices) and digital technologies to systems and tools results in a future-oriented production system.
A completely new building has been constructed by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil to house the assembly of light- to heavy-duty trucks and the associated parts logistics processes.
The company ensured that its employees played a significant part in designing the new production facility, with the aim of creating a more ergonomic, more intelligent and safer working environment.
“Brazil currently recovers as a truck market. We have always believed in the market and continued to invest there. We are now opening our completely networked production line in Sao Bernardo do Campo and thereby revolutionising truck manufacturing in Brazil. The new facility also sets standards within the global production network for Mercedes-Benz Trucks. For our customers, this means even more flexibility and efficiency,” said Stefan Buchner, worldwide head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks, as production started.
The Industry 4.0 concepts mentioned above include a range of technologies and tools that are all fully connected together in real time (hyperconnectivity).
The new assembly line, for example, is connected 100 percent with all the other production areas at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil. With the aid of a smartphone app, workers and management have access to all relevant data relating to the assembly line on their mobile devices.
These include the data for the 60 or so automatically guided vehicle (AGV) systems and for the new-style electronic screwdrivers, which work with pre-programmed torque settings.
They, too, form part of a cloud network via Big Data Intelligence, ensuring faster reaction times in production. In addition there are new forklift trucks equipped with light-sensor technology to speed up the flow of materials in parts logistics and 3D printers used for the more agile production of new parts at lower cost.
Should maintenance work become necessary, the service teams will in future use augmented reality headsets instead of cumbersome manuals as a means of sourcing detailed information about each component.