The second edition of the RTEC (Road to Excellence Championship) international after-sales challenge has just ended. On 17 May, the 24 best teams, selected from the 1,421 in competition, went head-to-head in the final in Lyon, the birthplace of Renault Trucks.
During the international final, the finalists faced six 45-minute tests, requiring them to perform complex maintenance and repair operations in real conditions. These carefully-prepared practical challenges were designed to test and develop the skills of the competing teams in fields of expertise such as monitoring hydraulic steering systems, engine failure diagnosis, oil analysis, electricity, the used truck labelling procedure, as well as being faced with customer problems, such as unusually high fuel consumption. The performance of the finalists was appraised and marked by Renault Trucks experts from all over the world. Collaboration and teamwork were also recognised, as the ability to work effectively together and use the strengths of each team member were essential for completing the challenges within the allocated time.
Finally, it was the team from the Renault Trucks distributor in Hanover, Germany, that was awarded the prize for the “Best Renault Trucks after-sales team”. On hearing of this success, Volker Thömke, the Renault Trucks Germany training manager who trained the team members, said, “I am proud of the excellent performance of the German team. I am delighted that they have been rewarded for their hard work.”
The distribution-repair team from Basel in Switzerland won second place. “We are very happy and proud to be recognised as the second-best Renault Trucks after-sales team. This day of competition was highly motivating and has encouraged us to excel in our daily work.”
Lastly, the British team from Wigan in the North of England, which had previously competed in the 2015 final, came third. “We failed to gain a place on the podium during the first RTEC challenge. We worked hard to qualify again and this year we worked more methodically and with less stress, which helped us to win this much-appreciated third place.”
The team from Turkey was awarded the special prize for best team spirit.