Proton announced yesterday that En. Roslan Abdullah has been officially appointed as the company’s new Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Although the announcement was only made yesterday, Roslan officially assumed his duties as the new Deputy CEO on the 1st of January 2022 itself.
Prior to becoming the Deputy CEO of Proton, Roslan held the position of Vice President, Sales and Marketing for the company, as well as the position of Chief Executive Officer of Proton Edar Sdn Bhd (PESB). He held these roles since the 1st of June 2020.
A Finance & Accountancy degree holder from the University of Brighton, United Kingdom, Roslan has over three decades of experience in the automotive sector including appointments at Motosikal dan Enjin Nasional Sdn Bhd (MODENAS), ISUZU HICOM Malaysia, and Honda Malaysia where he held the dual roles of President and Chief Operating Officer before he joined Proton as the Vice President for Sales and Marketing.

“Roslan Abdullah has played a key role in supporting the leadership of PROTON and guiding the overall management of the business, particularly by strengthening the sales and marketing functions. I am confident we will be able to form a strong partnership to lead the company to greater heights,” said Dr Li Chunrong, Chief Executive Officer of Proton.
Proton also expressed its deepest appreciation to Dato’ Radzaif Mohamed, who retired as Deputy Chief Executive Officer on 31 December 2021.
Dato Radzaif, who was the Deputy CEO of Proton since the 1st of April 2016, was instrumental in overseeing the eventual partnership between DRB-HICOM and Zhejiang Geely Holding (Geely) which helped steer the company to its current standing in the Malaysian automotive industry today.
“Proton would like to place on record our appreciation to Dato’ Radzaif Mohamed for his invaluable contribution and unwavering commitment towards our success. The importance of getting it right in the early days of the partnership with Geely has been critical towards the company’s turnaround thus far and his leadership during this period was invaluable,” added Dr Li Chunrong.